Acacia homalophylla
Plant Family
Fabaceae , Sub Family - Mimosaceae
Alternative Common Names
Curly yarran, myall, gidyea, gidia, gidgee, spearwood, wongarrah, narrow leaved yarran, yarran wattle, jam tree.

Small tree 7-10 metres high, often growing in thickets.
Leaves – yellowish-green, 3-9cm long, 5-8mm wide, often curved, several-veined, with 3 veins more prominent than the remainder. Often has a short-curved point to leaf.
Flowers – golden-yellow, in globular heads 5-6mm diameter, the heads borne on stalks 3-6 mm long in pairs, threes, or racemes of 10 or more in the leaf axils.
Pods – 4-8 cm long, 5-6mm wide, slightly curved, thin walled.
Flowering – late winter to spring
Mainly in belah-rosewood communities on solonized brown soils; also in bimble box communities on red earths and numerous other soil and vegetation types.
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